Sunday, March 08, 2015

Narrative of Unesa English Week

HMJ of State University of Surabaya had celebrated English Week from October 31st until November 8th 2014. It needed at least one week to hold this event which its theme was “Go Make History with English”. There were many competitions that were offered by HMJ to us, for instance Debate Competition, Alliance Quiz, Speech Contest, Story Telling Competition, News Casting Competition, and Poetry Writing Competition. Each competition gave us such million rupiah which was very interesting to be joined.
                     The first event, on November 1st, was the opening ceremony of English Week which had been celebrated in PPG auditorium of Languages and Arts Faculty of UNESA, but I did not know how that ceremony was, because I did not join it. Third semester made me feel busy, so that I could not join. I heard that Debate Competition was started in the T2, T4, and T8 buildings.
                     The second event was final competition on November 2nd decided who was the winner of Senior High School students that joined that competition. It would be the biggest price who got the high score of the juries to be a winner. On the competition or the final of Debate Competition, I did not want to watch. I just felt comfortable when I was speaking with my best friends on the Joglo corridor at that time.
                     Third event, Alliance Quiz, was on November 3rd and I still did not follow that event. I just did not feel interested with that quiz. In that date was also a date for celebrating first English Week Carnival. English Week Carnival was the event that had been waited by students of UNESA. It was the most interesting event which had to be joined by students of all years who were still on the campus.
                     Next event was the Second English Week Carnival. Every student of each year had their dress code, such as British on 1960, 1970, 1980 to be worn on 3rd and 4th of November. The day before, I just kept silent when my friends on my class feeling confused to decide what costume they were going to use. Insani, my friend, was like the walking store because she brought her many clothes to be shared with our friends to the class and the situation became noisy. I did not know why they talked enthusiastically either women or men who wanted to rent Insani’s clothes. In my mind, they spent their free time well to speak that topic while they were waiting for the lecturer for Introduction to Literature, Mr.Ali. My class had to wear British fashion on 1980. Some of my friends tried to look for information in the internet. Actually, I also felt the same thing; I confused what I was going to wear that day. I remembered of my mother’s clothes. I did not be worried again and made a decision to wear the oldest clothes of my mother. Wearing my mother’s clothes was the biggest pride I had, because she had passed away on 12nd October and it would make me remembering my mother’s beauty when she was young wearing those clothes. It was real; I found some old clothes from my mom’s cupboard. I chose the one which I wanted to wear on Carnival, the grey one.
                     I wore my clothes confidently on the campus, but many of friends said that I was like a teacher. They said that it was too big for me. Suddenly, a new message made a vibration on my handphone. It was from Ma’am Nur Fauziah and I started to read it. Unfortunately, it was about a duty from her who asked me to go to the State University of Surabaya in Ketintang. It had to be finished that day. I just felt confused what I had to do. I could not leave the English Week because at 08.50 I had to fill my attendance class with my own signature. I faced two difficult choices, the English Week or the duty of my lecturer. I thought that skipping one of my attendance classes was okay. I respected of my lecturer’s duty and it would be more important. Then, I ran to the parking area looking for my own motorcycle. It needed a long time because I forgot where I had parked my motor cycle there. Luckily, I found it and I rode my motorcycle fast. On the way, I got the traffic jam. The condition was very crowded, I could not breathe delicately. The sun made me getting angry and wanted to scream. For long time I survived on that condition, finally I arrived to Ketintang with my mother’s clothes. Everyone looked at me strangely. I knew what was in their mind that they were laughing on me because only me who wore old fashion with style which might like an elementary teacher in their sight. I just wanted to finish my duty as soon as possible and went back to my own faculty. I was very shy and could not stand there any longer.
                     Finally, I arrived on my own faculty. There was no cynical face that I saw in Ketintang. That is a beautiful moment I have. Wearing my mother’s clothes makes me feel comfortable. I do not care what my friends and people are saying about and I just feel proud of being the one who inherits my mother’s thing.

❤❤❤  By : Wakhidatul SiscaPutri Anggraini (132154020)  ❤❤❤

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