Thursday, July 02, 2015

Motherhood (All mothers should be obliged to stay at home and care for their children)

            Historically, mother’s role was restricted. It meant that they could not express their own desire for doing something. She dedicated their life for being a mother and wife, spending their time and energy to take care their children at home. Nowadays, most of mothers prefer to be career women. According to, the instability of their husbands’ work is the first reason that mothers make for being career women. The next reasons are to fulfil life requirements, such as education and others living cost, to prepare the worst risk if their husband passes away and to give hard working example to their children. On the other hand, many of them choose to be stay-at-home mother because they want to focus with their family, to be the real teacher for their children, and do not want to lose their time for witnessing their children’s milestones. Being a stay-at-home mom is not as easy as people think. Advantages and disadvantages for either their children or themselves still become a consideration for mothers.
            The advantages of being a stay-at-home mom can be felt by the children directly because their mom is always beside them . Margie Johnson in Wikipedia Website, who's been a stay-at-home mom for 24 years with seven kids says thst staying home has fulfilled her more than anything else could. "It's the most rewarding 'career' you could ever have," she adds. "You're irreplaceable to your child, and you're making an ongoing personal investment that will outlive you." The advantages of being a stay-at-home mom can be proven by the better children’s brain growing and the healthier children. Being a stay-at-home mom will give positive impact for the children’s brain growing. A new study shows that nurturing a child develops a larger hippocampus. It is the important part of the brain for learning, memory and stress responses function. The volume of the amygdala connects with the early social experiences, and then regulates the process and memory of emotional reactions of the children. The study's lead researcher and a psychiatrist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo, Dr. Joan Luby, says that the development of human brain is caused by a material impact from the psychosocial environment. He adds that psychosocial environment is like a very strong wind behind the sail of the idea that early nurturing of children positively affects their development. Another positive effect for children that have been acoompanied by mothers is their good health. A research shows that the healthy development of the children depends on the affection and nurturing from their parents, especially from their biological mother. A stay-at-home mom will always care with their children maximally and it provides love, acceptance, positive guidance and protection the children need. Mothers can decide everything they consume, they wear and they play with that may be dangerous or not for their children’s health.
            The disadvantages as the impact of being stay-at-home moms are mother will get depression and they feel difficult to spend their “me time”. According to Gallup Poll in Wikipedia Website releases that three kinds of women have gotten depressed. They are the working women in 17 percent, the working woman who do not have children in 17 percent also and the biggest depression have been gotten by women who do not work outside the home and spend their time for nurturing their children. Every emotional measure in the survey stay-at-home mom fare worse than those two groups. They get more anger, sadness, stress, worry and describe themselves as they are struggling and suffering in the home. Moreover, mothers will be difficult to spend their “me time” when they decide to be stay-at-home moms. Me time” is such as for go shopping, hanging out with friends, and socializing. In this modern era, socializing is the most important thing to do. It can be done by chatting, texting or video calling by the available social media without meeting people who mothers want. Even it can be difficult thing to do because their children cannot be ignored.
            The conclusion is mother as the real leader who can decide the development of their children. Being a stay-at-home mom or not is their own choice by considering the positive and negative impact in it. Whatever they will choose, it will the best they can do. As people know that being a stay-at-home mom is neither easy nor difficult.

References :
1.      “A Powerful Connection : Mother-Child Bond Plays Role in Child’s Growth,             Development.” Kansas State University.6 May. 2011. Web. 8 Mar. 2015.     <>.

2.      “Mother.” Wikipedia Online. 10 Sept. 2002. Web. 8 Mar. 2015.       <>.

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